Senin, 10 Mei 2010

7 Simple Ways Build Your Blog Authority

Making money through blogs or blog simply NOT true problem PPC banner ads in the sidebar of the blog, write a paid review, or to offer standalone ad spots. NOT. Because if the problem was just that easy, now there would have been very many Indonesian bloggers earn millions or even hundreds of million rupiah per month.

Instead, make money via blogs is the question of building a true authority blogs that should begin well in advance before the PPC banner ads inserted, before registering the program paid review or before an independent ad spots are offered to prospective advertisers. In summary: to build the absolute authority of the blog before you make a blog monetization.

How to Promote Your Product Or Blog With Intelligent and Profitable

Are you a blogger newbie (beginners) who are desperately searching for new ways to promote your blog? Are you a Muslim clothing online boutique owner who wants to get more customers away from your home business? Or if you're an online business owner and want to multiply your online business profit?

Promoting a new blog, a Muslim outfit, online business or any product can be basically done in two ways. First, put paid advertisements on blogs or sites that provide advertising space. Second, taking advantage of social networking media, a Facebook or MySpace to promote your product for free.


Inclusion of pollution is entering or living things, matter, energy and / or other components in water or air. Pollution can also mean changing the order of (composition) of water or air by human activity and natural processes, so that the quality of water / air to less or no longer able to function in accordance with destining.

To prevent pollution of the environment by various industrial activities and human activities, it is necessary to control environmental pollution by setting environmental quality standards.

Pollution on the environment can occur anywhere by a very rapid rate, and the increasingly heavy burden of pollution caused by industrial waste from a variety of chemicals including heavy metals.


Landslide is a geological event that occurred because of ground motion such as falling rocks or clumps of soil. Although the main cause of this incident is that the gravitational influence of a steep slope, but there are also other factors that also affect:
erosion caused by rivers or ocean waves create the slopes are too steep
from rock and soil slopes weakened through saturation due to heavy rain
earthquakes causing pressure which resulted weak slopes
volcanic ash deposits create a quiet, torrential rain and dust flow
vibrations from machinery, traffic, use of explosives, and even lightning
weight that is too excessive, eg, from the gathering of rain or snow


Tsunami is the Japanese term for large waves that hit the power mahadasyat coast. Radius can reach tens or even hundreds of kilometers of coastline. Tsunami waves can occur when a large earthquake on the seabed. Did the earthquake that occurred on the mainland can not cause the tsunami? I guess it can happen but the potential of small and great potential is the earthquake is located in the seabed that is due to shifting tectonic plates of the earth by earthquake and volcanic sea mountains such as Mount Krakatoa in Indonesia in the 19th century that the dust vulkaniknya almost covers the whole world.

Global Warming

Global warming has been happening for a long time since the invention of machinery. But only a few last time and the impact this activity has increased. Global warming occurs because too much pollution that blanketed the earth's atmosphere. Therefore, when the sun into the earth and have reached the surface of the earth if the earth will be reflected back into space. And when the rays reach the earth's atmosphere are difficult to penetrate the collection of gas pollution that is very thick so it will be reflected back by the heavy pollution to the earth and this happens constantly and causes immense heat in the earth's surface. This can threaten human survival become Plant trees and reduce fuel consumption as the global warming reduction efforts.